
things i have done in venice, in no particular order:
1. walk
2. eat gelato
3. stop in the window of every bakery, yum.
4. buy something in most bakeries. merangies, odd pastries, something with bracy (ick!)
5. eat delicious little panino sandwiches. prosciutto, brie, mozzarella. yum.
6. walk
7. cross bridges.
8. frown at the bad smell of canal water.
9. pet dogs.
10. shop and splurge. i will write later about the leather journal store and the SENT murano glass house. two of the highlights of my trip fer shure.
11. catch up with green pants, very fun.
12. buy and write post cards...discover that post office has been closed since friday and will re-open tomorrow, or else next monday (4-26) no one seems sure of when really.
13. walk
14. be afraid of pigeons
15. chase glass jewelrey, long story
16. eat more gelato
17. get rained on
18. take the water taxi
19. explore murano island and see more glass than ever in my life
20. eat a small bit of pasta, but it was delicious. it had bacon, how can anything with bacon be bad?
21. ignore gondola drivers
22. attacked by pigeon
23. be home by 10pm every night
24. walk
25. get a good night of sleep!
26. get losted on the narrow streets
27. admire international fashion
28. have fun conversations with nice shop keepers (again, leather store and SENT)
29. oh geez, i have to think of at least 30. look at people's purses (naturally) but i always wonder if they think i am eyeing it because i want to steal.
30. fight walking tourists.
ha, there...30 things, and i bet there are a million more i can't think of on the spot.

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