
the website was down for half a day, and it was scary. i thought i had ruined something with my edits the night before, but it was just a problem with the server. thank goodness it's all back!

things are busy. 3 more wholesale orders to go out, and the private party orders are going a bit nuts. it's nice to bring in extra people to help out, and it makes for good conversation in the studio.

conversation to come...
i was taking three weekends of permaculture classes. 3 of us carpooled since it was efficient (yay!). on the trip there saturday, we (me, a kid my age, and an older-than-me-and-of-mysterious-to-me-age) were talking about our holiday plans. a was celebrating his girlfriended holiday, splitting time between his family and hers. g and his family (wife and kid) just moved to pdx and don't have any family here. i explained my trip to so cal. there was brief conversation about families...and g said, "you seem like you have a pretty normal family." now, what would make someone say something like that, and what makes a family normal?

other things...
neat jobs
what to do in the future
holiday travel
vanessa jean clearance

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