
the joys of snoring dogs

ok, ok, i know. it's been a really long time since i have posted to this blog...and a really long time since i have even thought about it. but you know what? i think it's time to bring back some vanessa jean blogging action. and i will give you two really, really good reasons: 1) dogs and 2) chickens. i will forgo the thought that this blog even has anything to do with duct tape anymore. i think it will be all dog and all chicken all the time. get used to it and quit your whining.

no, really. tonight i sat down to update vanessajean.com because, let's face it, the fact that the index page still referred to christmas '07 was a pretty big sign of neglect. and oh what a process! i have a new hard drive and no dreamweaver...so it took a while to actually get to the point of having the software to change anything. but i got there and spent a lovely night watching charlie bartlett and editing vanessajean. it was great fun to actually look at the site and some of the old press, like this clip from wtnh news in new haven. that was so long ago and so much has changed since then! and this blog, that started about FIVE years ago...and actually used to be full of meaningful things...just to think how much has happened between then and now...and now i am here, on the dogs' sofa, enjoying the gentle snoring of two exhausted black dogs.

buy really, let's get on to the good stuff...pictures of dogs and chickens. who cares about what i have to say, it's about the animals...

fierce herbott, just relaxing

fierce, on coop installation & chicken release day, before she knew how her life would change forever.

enter...the girls. ok, there was one boy too. he lasted for about a week, until his early morning pre-pubescent crowing got so loud that i had to find him a new home. it was sad, but it seems like he has a nice life in scapoose now. the rooster was a beautiful bantam araucana...oh how i loved him! anyhow, after spending the first two months of their lives in a melon box in a classroom full of loud kids, the girls didn't know how to react to this 'natural' environment.

one big happy family...until the chickens started moving...and the dogs got excited...and we had to put up a second fence.

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