
the signs are all around!

oh my gosh! are you ever just so full of joy - just brimming over - that it is hard to keep it all contained? that's how i feel right now. i have this theory that the world is full of energy and we are either flowing with it or pushing against it. when we are flowing with it, that's when we are in tune, when life feels easy, like floating down a river in the middle of boise in an inner tube. and it is at precisely those times, when we are just going with the flow, that if we open our ears and our hearts and our minds that we can see the everything and the nothing that exists in the world. it's then we can see that everything, everything serves as a sign, a beacon, an omen, the dial on our compass, and when we feel that energy...there is so much we can intuit!

i love it! it's like when my dad and i have esp. or when there is just enough energy around an issue that you just know something is going to happen. and it does. and maybe it doesn't mean anything...but still something has happened. vague? yes! sometimes it just takes slowing down, floating along, opening up our hearts and feeling the world around us to know, just know.

on my bike ride home tonight (way past my bedtime, ie it was dark out) i was pondering the wonderful conversations i have had with friends (such lovely, lovely friends) in the past few days. i will admit, i have been in a slump, one of those slumps that occurs when your heart feels something icky and then your brain proceeds to nosedive into a pit of despair. anyhow, biking home i starting to feel the joy bubbling up again, and my sense of excitement and peacefulness coming back. and all of the pieces of the puzzle fitting together. and for the first time ever, biking home on the dark streets, portland felt like home. i felt like one with this city that has never quite fit right. oh the joy.

i am feeling peak gratefulness to all the wonderful people in this life who make it what it is.

chicken picture of the day:

the babes a few weeks after hatching. darn they are cutie pies. roosty roo (back left) the bantam araucana is the boy who had to leave our flock because roosters are banned in the city and he was starting to make a lot of noise. don't tell the girls, but he was the prettiest and had the best personality! and don't tell fierce that the chicks get mention and she doesn't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi V - Love that all is so great for you right now... and I love reading the blog. Keep it coming!