
christmas card pictures?

i have been toying with the idea of sending out not only christmas cards, but christmas card pictures. it's a long standing tradition in my family, and i thought i could make something humorous that involved chickens, dogs and me. i thought about sending pictures of just chickens and dogs, but then i thought that people who lived far away and haven't seen me in a while would just be confused. "is she the chicken or the dog?" they would ask, and then that would take a lot of explaining. anyhow, liz and i refurbished the chicken house this afternoon (this glorious, sunny, dry afternoon!) and i asked her to take some pictures that might work for a christmas card.


not only am i the antithesis of photogenic, but my camera is crap. so, i will post one picture, which is the best of the bunch, which says a lot about the quality of the bunch. you'll also notice that this is not my dog in the picture...but at least you can see the chickens.

oh well. we do what we can!

what a day. fierce is conked out on the sofa, limbs agog! i got up early for saturday mediation and yoga which i have missed for over a month now with so much travel and working. it felt so good! then some lovely chatting! and then liz and i took fierce and cleo to kelly point park for some stick tossing and swimming and it was marvelous and i got to finally talk to long lost east coast pals. all before 3pm! then liz and i worked on the coop - expanding the chicken run. and then i went on a little (ie, totally insufficient) practice ride in the park for the race tomorrow. i can now successfull get on and dismount the bike without fear of disaster. which is a good sign. i am so excited to be racing tomorrow and trying something new and having a little excitement. and it's at 8:45 in the morning so i can still go to the green eggs & ham party and the cozy backyard cottage welcoming party.

here's what it comes down to...it's nice to have a weekend at home! it's nice to have a weekend of relaxing and not having to worry about getting anything done. lovely, lovely, lovely! life is good!

time to shower and then off to scrabble! i haven't played scrabble in ages.

ok, ok, just one more pictures. it's an exciting picture because i am actually holding big bird. the only reason i am holding her is because the dog got out while the chickens were free-ranging and fierce scared big bird onto the neighbors roof. liz hopped the fence to get her and handed her to me. since the girls are so skittish and we don't get to hold them often, it called for a photo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the photo at the bottom and you are definitely photogenic. Great to chat last night!