
my apologies for not introducing steve the monkey. he has decided to join us from eugene, oregon (no link!). stevie's handler, lizzer, occassionally speaks for him, as steve is often a lazy monkey, or else he is flying. really, he flies, and screams.

i believe that some time soon the old guy will be joining this blog as well. the old guy hangs out in pasadena, california and double as the vanessa jean business manager. he's a nice guy, and if we're lucky, he will grace us with his political views. invitations have also been extended to the infamous green pants who is cavorting (well, teaching) in munich, germany. maybe she can add a worldy perspective on duct tape...she does tell tales of a german duct-taper who sells bags in the munich marketplace (but he sews them, and i say that's not authentic). also, annabelle matheys may be joining us, if we're very lucky and very well behaved.

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