
after reading my own posts from the past week...i think i was going a bit crazy. ok, not that i am not usually crazy, because i think i am a bit off-the-rocker to begin with...but i think i was driving myself to some sort of duct tape related insanity. luckily, however, that is over now. the christmas rush is entirely sent out, and i am quite excited about that! what a busy time of year! i've officially shut down the studio for the remainder of december and all of january so that i can enjoy a little r & r, some more trips to ny, dc, boston, provi and vermont and actually hang out a bit. not that i haven't been hanging out a bit lately, but now i guess i will just get to add sleep to my schedule. that's not to say i haven't already committed to a few duct tape related things for january...very very exciting things that i can't quite talk about yet because they aren't confirmed, but when they are, i will share them. yay yay yay!

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