
from glorious green pants and very true...find the number in your area!
Anyone Given You This Phone Number?

In Boston, it's 617-861-3962. In New York, it's 212-660-2245. In Miami, it's 305-241-0033. In Seattle, it's 206-376-9798. In Washington D.C., it's 202-452-7468. Has anyone given you these phone numbers? If so, go cry. We sympathize. You've been rejected. This is what happened: You met an exciting new person and thought you'd like to set up a date. So you asked for the phone number. And you got it! One problem: When you called the phone number, it wasn't the hot gal or guy you reached, it was the Rejection Hotline.

"Hello! This is not the person you were trying to call. You've reached the Rejection Hotline." The fast-talking male voice goes on to explain in gritty detail the many reasons why you were rejected and then jauntily tells you to get over it. How cruel--and clever. Started in Atlanta in 2001, there are now Rejection Hotline phone numbers in 30 major cities. The Rejection Hotline is hot. Each city routinely gets more than 50,000 calls a month.

"The dating scene is full of people who can't take a hint or can't take 'no' for an answer and many who apparently can't take showers, can't brush their teeth, or can't seem to go out in social settings without awkwardly embarrassing themselves by an inability to read a situation," the RejectionHotline.com Web site says. "The Rejection Hotline exists as a public service to both the rejector and to the rejectee." If nothing else, it's an easy way to get out of uncomfortable situation when someone asks you for your phone number and you're not interested. And for the person who is being rejected, at least there is no public embarrassment.

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