
party is almost over. i think i have told the duct tape story and the mad december rush story (not to mention the anthropologie story) 4 million, one hundred thousand fifty six times today. luckily, there are left overs of the dessert, and b-dog is coming over for a left-over-eating/say-goodbye visit. oh that brian, what would i do without him? ok, so these parties aren't all bad, cause i actually did have a good conversation with a friend of mine from high school who is working at being a pro-golfer. we can keep track of him at golden state tour dot com. but that was one nice catch up conversation to have, mostly because it was the longest conversation we had ever had, despite going through high school together and having all the same friends. oh well. his mom is also one of the most rad artisits i know, and i have loved her work for years. when i find a link i will post it.

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