
there was indeed a sledding adventure on sunday, and it was much needed. the roomie came home with plans to sled with friends, we took jeepie on the adventure to the div school, and met up with her friends. we sledded a bit. the snow was flakey and not too packed yet. it was all going well until there was a sledding accident. it was neither me or the roomy, but friends. it was kinds freaky, and not the first time i've been to the emergency room after sledding. anyhow, we were going to get hot chocolate and snacks for the troops at the med center, but someone locked her keys in the car. ok, so i left them in the car, with the plan to leave the car unlocked, so i wouldn't loose the keys while sledding (as happened to my irish pal last weekend), but my habit is to lock the car and so i did, and was locked out. so we hitched a ride home, i called my roadside service for the millionth time this year, and then took a quick trip to the med center and delivered some snackies to warm up the injured (nothing was broken, thank goodness) and then got back to jeepie, but the tow truck got stuck in the snow, so i waited for a bit (thank goodness for the roomie and her warm car!) and then the really really really incompetant (i am a bad speller!) vehicle helper man came and couldn't figure out how to unlock my car...it was 45 minutes standing out in the snow with him cursing my car and his company and equiptment...on and on and on...and did i mention it was snowing and windy and cold...but fun to be outside...anyhow, while he was on the walkie to the garage asking for (cursing for) more help, i grabbed the tools and unlocked it myself. yes, i am a genius. ok, so i'm not a genius, or else i wouldn't have locked the keys in there, with the spare conveniently in the front seat, but i always feel good when i can do things involving cars that mechanics can't. end of story. and then i went for a run in the snow with my running shoes. then i worked. and worked through alias, which was a re-run, and worked and worked and worked.

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