
this is quick, i'm running out to watch my future husband in bridget jones' diary II, i'm talking about mr. firth. what a charmer. i'm also watching football with my family. i haven't done much except be thankful for flushing toilets and running water after some fine turkeyday food poisoning. i had it lucky compared to my brother who had to go to the er. poor baby. now he brags about it alot. ok.

um, i had a gazillion things to say, but now i can't remember them. my parents are leaving pasadena tomorrow, and i won't see them till christmas. i got used to being around them, i think i might miss them! i'm excited to pack and start heading east, but i'm now terribly afraid (paranoid, anxious?) of hitting bad weather, with much thanks to my family and certain people who have been mentioning that alot. thanks.

hmmm, i think it's time to see colin. just kidding, he's not my future husband. that's ridiculous. geez, i'd really like to be able to eat normally again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Libra: (Sept. 23—Oct. 23)
Take heart: There are people with bigger problems than yours, and acting like you care about them will get you laid.

-Mr. Firth (find me on eharmony)