
tonight i got attacked (post japanese cuisine) by a cat named hurley. this cat is clearly suffering from gender identity problems, and hence (because it can't speak, well, except to me as i speak fluent cat, the south west dialect of course, i'm working on my north west and north east, phwaw) likes to attack human beings, especially those that attempt ridiculous flea removal procedures. don't ask. anyhow, i know this de-clawed cat has a disposition for using vicious cat teeth to attack, but tonight's mangle went too far...and i have blood to prove it. darn, beat again by the feline. i should really be learning my lesson by now, but i guess not.

ahh, family dinners out in public. i wonder sometimes. but the little one is back in town, which is a nice treat, and i'll have to really store up on his visit, because he undoubtely won't call me for the next month, until we visit at home in charlotte for the day of santa clause and gifts.

turkey day countdown: 3 days (rough estimate)
i want my contribution to turkey day to be cabbage soup and presents. my uncle makes a joke about how our families always exchange gifts everytime we get together, so we like to tease him by making sure we always have gifts...so i'll have to bring something wrapped.

anyone notice i like to ramble? no, good. ok, time for round number 2 of the cat fighting, maybe a little corrections, and then to bed to dream about picking up jeepie tomorrow in glowing, wonderful condition (as if a fuel system flush and new filter make a car sparkle fresh - hey, a girl can dream). and dream i will, about ice skates. hmmm....

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