
it works, great!
that makes me want to blog and blog and blog (but apparently not eat dinner). what a terrific day. super s dropped the big order off at ups this morning, and it felt delicious to get that huge chunk of work out of the studio. so, all those famous people (not to number more than 60) who will be attending the indy 500 this year will receive a fantastical custom wallet. maybe i'll post a picture soon. that sounds like a good idea. to celebrate the departure of this beast of a project i rode my bike (just kidding, that's my job, however i did ride extra fast down hills). actually, i went to women's volunteer night at the community cycling center and it was a blast because the woman running the clinic/volunteer thingy was an incredibly good teacher and i learned a whole lot about how bikes work, and i got to take small pieces apart...and it was great. i also got incredibly greasy, which might be the best thing ever. then to continue the celebration i came home and cleaned my bathroom. wahooo, do i know how to celebrate or what. this weekend is the start of the village building convergence and i'm super excited to build stuff and meet people. (stress on the meet people part). life's been a bit too crazy (and possibly wierd?) for meeting people this last month or so. i was doing such a good job...and then life took over. anyhow, i'll be making stuff and building stuff, and realizing how much i want to be a creative builder landscaper planner designer person in my future. yahooo.

ok. post bathroom clean i showered and got in bed. somewhere in there i was supposed to eat dinner. but i wasn't hungry. and now that i'm in bed, and exhausted (40+ miles - much uphill - wed and thur) i don't want to get up and make something...although my pantry is just bubbling over with food options...

ok, to sleep! (and to sleep in, just a bit).

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