
it's been so long since i've posted. oh well. does it make anyone feel any better that every day i post things to the blog in my imagination? i didn't think so.

today has been quite a sentimental family day, sort of. i called my dad tonight and we talked for a long time, which was nice. i talked about all the crazy natural building and permaculture plans i have for their new house (little do they know...enter evil child laughter here!). i was also cooking some artichoke at the same time, which i haven't done since i was a little kid. we used to boil large artichoke and dip the cooked outer leaves in mayonaise with lemon juice, and just smelling the artichokes on the stove made me think back to those fun summer nights in the harvest gold kitchen i grew up in. it's amazing how much familiarity a specific smell can drudge up from your past. then my mom called from new york (she's such the business traveler) because she met a musician who is mentioned in a raffi song...so i thought of endless raffi songs, and the time she and i spent days in new york when i was looking at colleges (you couldn't pay me enough money to go to school here...and where did i end up? geez) regardless, it made me think of the noreaster of that year, and drafting big rigs to get up a snowy freeway, and raffi songs and driving to the cabin and, yes, more artichoke. then i curled up in bed to do some work online, and i wanted to sleep, and maybe i even shut my eyes a little, even though it was still light outside (even though is was 9.10pm) and it flashed me back to the beginning-of-summer days when i was a kid, when school was almost out, but bedtime was still before 8 o'clock (could you imagine!?) it was so challenging to go to bed before the sunlight ran out...but i guess they coaxed and calmed me somehow. what a novel idea to relax enough while there are still working hours in the day! it's dark now, so i can sleep peacefully...and maybe dream about all the exciting things that i am looking forward to in this summer of long-lit days: almost-midnight gardening, bike rides for ice cream at all hours, climbing to roof, geez...endless adventures.

and now that the sun is down, it's time for me to sleep! (yes, it's 10pm, but apparently my body is on granny time, and i'm just going to go with it!)

cheers and happy summer memories.

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