
i've changed from a boring blogger to a non-existent blogger...
time to change that!

lots and lots and lots has happened in the last 3 weeks, and i am going to list them here, mostly because i really like lists...

1. i got medical insurance. although this might be the most mundane thing on the list, it's my most favorite, because now i am less petrified about being hit by a car, coming down with something odd, or getting pink-eye...and my insurance covers (partly) 'non-traditional' therapies (acupuncture here i come!). that is exciting. my life is about to get so much better.
2. i went to iowa for 4 days. des moines. it was really fun. i met lots of very nice people, played catch, ate chicken with a can in the butt, slept in a camper, played with guns, met the friendliest cat ever, started a campfire, and had lots of nice talks. i'm sure there is even more (like the really fun red-eye flight, someone please remind me to never do that again)that i can't think about now...but that's just because there was so much stuff that happened.
3. i went to san francisco for all of 26 hours. however, they were some of the best hours ever. it's always nice to see old friends, and meet their boyfriends as well.
4. did i mention i got health insurance. i'm going to get my ears cleaned out.
5. my real-person job got extended through the end of july. i will enjoy the friendly paychecks, computer work and co-workers, but the hours of schlepping by bike are losing excitement.
6. i won tickets to a concert (sadly not the indigo girls) during the opb pledge drive. it's on the 4th of july. yay.
7. i got to help build cob structures, my new passion in life.
8. an upcoming grantwriting class makes me excited.
9. permaculture classes and learning is in my future. yipppeeee.
10. engagements. it's started. in the last 3 weeks three of my friends have e-mailed me announcing their engagements. i knew it would start sometime, i'm just glad it's happened with a rush. much congrats and good luck to the recent engagee-s (2 of whom may still read this blog)...i'm pretty darn thrilled for you.
11. the garden is beautiful! the gardening effort started out small scale, and pretty hopeless. s and i didn't really know what we were doing out there. a few lucky things happened to make the garden look at pretty and taste as good as it does. we are lucky enough that our small plot is surrounded by the green-thumb work of some very good gardeners. so not only does their lush greenspace make ours look better, but they've also been wonderful about giving helpful hints, as well as just creating a good garden to learn from. things to harvest now and soon: green lettuce, red lettuce, bok choy, english? cabbage. we've already worked through the peas. the tomatoes are growing (the first one is already much bigger than a golf ball) and has almost 10 little brothers and sisters to match. the corn transplants continue to grow, and the seeds are coming up too. things to look forward to: chinese cabbage, carrots, arugula, some other fancy salad green, basil & dill. some long shot hopefuls include squash, muskmelon and watermelon. keep your fingers crossed about those.
12. the succulent plants are doing fantastically, and s adopted some new jade and aloe from iowa. what a little succulent garden is growing inside of doors.
13. i'm undoubtedly leaving many important things off this list, but that's ok.
i'm going to enjoy the rest of this beautiful day by cleaning my space and cooking a delicious meal! what happy times!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a cisco gardening
site/blog. It pretty much covers cisco gardeningrelated stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)