
exciting things in the works...

yes, it's late. i'm still not in bed, nor am i studying. i wouldn't call it procrastinating either...maybe just somewhere different now?

anyhow, there are a few exciting projects in the works right now. and if i don't write them down somewhere that will make me accountable for them...they might just poof into the ether and be gone.

one) i mentioned the yoga teaching. that is exciting.
two) kirk and i are taking on a fun writing project. it's nice to have a writing partner who is my brother. very excited for this inspiration and honored for the collaboration. lovely.
three) i am realizing that if i want to do more writing (the kind the gets read because it's good or interesting...not because your friends read it for giggles) that i should probably start doing just that. so, in the near future i plan to start fresh with a new & slightly more professional blog. it will be writing and photos about food, the food system, agriculture, food preservation, cooking, sense of place through food and maybe some pieces from my personal collection and the 'writing our bellies full' series last year...and much more along those lines. i hope to polish up a few of the pieces here and gives them a shiny, more finished life at a different address. oh, fun. writing and developing the aesthetic of a new site. in my spare time, right.

that's all. i will keep myself and everyone else up to date.

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