
long time...

hi lovely readers. (ahem, i mean the two or three of you who may read this to procrastinate...). here are some things that have happened in the last week. i had a nutrition exam on friday, it went well. i had my first evening of work with the new entry sustainable farming project on tuesday. it was fun, i am supporting the people teaching the 'how to write a business plan and start your farm enterprise' class to a bunch of super eager farmers-of-tomorrow. and, yes, it's in lowell...so i get an hour to drive north and look at the beautiful leaves changing colors. roger dorion of gardeners international and a force behind the white house garden was our seminar speaker last week and that was pretty inspiring. i taught my last garden education class at the elementary school across the street from school. it was nice to be in the classroom again...but it also makes me remember why i want to take my garden ed experience and keep moving it forward (and not be in the classroom all the time). i went to a school in somerville to help take height and weight measurements for bmi calculations for their fruit and veggie project. that was exciting. the kids in pe were playing a game on these tiny scooters that totally took me back to elementary school. did anyone else have these? they were plastic 1'x1' squares with a wheel (more like a caster) in each corner. the kids did relay races, with their bellies to the scooters and pushing with their hands and feet to move around. a total throwback. especially when the pe teacher said, "make sure your hair is up, so you don't roll over it and get it stuck in the wheels." i totally remembered that. thursday was a long day (with a fairly dry, hard-to-keep-the-eyelids open lecture all afternoon) and i didn't make it to cranioyoga...which has been the best shoulder therapy to date. friday i ventured to somerville to make cheese with friends. attempt #2 did not work (we sort of ended up with paneer, not mozzarella) but we did make butternut squash ravioli...yum! and there were cookies and pie and quince and delicious salad. i also got a hint that a fun yoga studio (near school!) was having a open house (aka free class) on saturday. i got a recommendation for a good class (power! who knew) and i went and the teacher was lovely and i think i might have found a real home for saturday morning yoga. they also had homemade vegan cupcakes...that was another good sign. ain't no bhaktishop though... on the yoga front here, i have two teaching opportunities that have popped up...teaching at the community center by my house and in an empty classroom at school...i am so excited to start teaching again. today was a lovely day of bopping around and procrastinating studying for my stats test. a two hour dog walk and lots of yoga and a really, super fun birthday party for a classmate who lives in jp. we decorated lanterns for this annual event where thousands of people walk around the pond (the jp pond in the center of town) with lit lanters. the kiddies wear costumes and it was lovely. and the weather is great and it's hard to believe it was snowing a week ago. i also re-met a woman i met when i was looking for apartments. i met her in july and it looked like i would move into her place...but turned out the dog was a last-minute no-go. small world. she's great, so it was fun to make a new friend. (plus, i think i have pretty good luck re-meeting people i met over craigslist for housing...aka liz & cleo!). this week holds a stats exam, a take home policy mid-term and part one of a nutrition project (which i already did, yay). work on tuesday, bmi collection on thursday and hopefully firming up some yoga teaching plans. yay. and dinner with darcy! and the next week will be social with two parties and sara coming to town. i get to help with wedding dress shopping. life is pretty good. the bike riding in the crisp air is great. i like having a cold nose and tingling fingertips when i get to my destination. i have started wearing tights. i am also digging on the song "all night" by sam phillips that keeps popping up on pandora. wow. life is pretty good. however...i really miss my portland pals and all their lovely comfort...but i think i'm headed home in dec/jan since i have a month off from school.

over and out and off to start the week...
happy everything!

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