
why doesn't anyone ever leave comments?
people used to leave comments, why not now?
i'm feeling fiesty, and i want comments!

so, i'm going to make people comment. comment, please!

my mom just took the dog on a walk, she's standing in the kitchen swinging around a bag of the dog's poop (she is a responsible poop-scooper), "look grandpa," she yelled (he's a bit hard of hearing), "sport picked out the last present for kirk's christmas stocking." -true

my dad and brother just went on a christmas eve beer run. am i related to these people? my brother can out-drink the fish. sure, he's 6'6", but really.

today (on a christmas gift comando mission and looking at a possible replacement for jeepie), i made my dad and grandpa let me out at the discount christian book store. i could hardly contain my embarrassed smile as i walked into the store. i felt like a shy, but curious, high schooler walking into an adult bookstore for the first time. i didn't make eye contact with anyone, i was flushed the whole time, and i nervously touched each book i saw, pretending that i was on some sort of actual mission. "oh, my friend asked me to pick something up" or "i'm looking for something for my friend" were lines i rehearsed in my head, just in case anyone asked. i felt so guiltily out of place. i felt like god could see me, and knew i was gently mocking a herd of his people, a flock of the devoted (who i feel often use his name to propogate fear and closemindedness). anyhow, i was waiting for the thunderbolts to come from the sky. actually, that's not true. i think god has a good sense of humor. anyhow, it was interesting and i got what i came for, but could have stayed all day. my favorite find (although at $7.99 was too expensive to purchase...discount what?) was a book called a celebration of sex for newlyweds, which had fairly graphic sketches and a chapter about "cleanup and hygiene". i digress. i wish i could have spent hours in this place, listening to the conversations of holiday shoppers and reading snippets of different books.

is zero a number?

it takes more than three polish women to figure out how to work an oven.

my dad actually said "ahhh, i was just fixin' to call you." apparently he speaks southern now.

"i never make stupid mistakes, only very, very clever ones." -john peel

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