
if new york times writes about blogging...you know it's just got to be the hippest thing in town. ok, ok so that's not true at all, it just means that now the new york times is writing about it and now it will become a lame and silly trend..oh wait... read here and here although the first one is definately more amusing. i'm just going to make an off-the-cuff observation here since myslef and all the fellows on my super blog list seem to have to same opinion...based on my assesment of their content...why in the world would you write such personal stuff?!. hello!!! i know that the internet might feel like a safe, insular and anonymous place...but come on, use a little common sense. obviously people are going to read it, and YES, you will be found out...so why write stuff that will get you in so much trouble...or why not just make yourself completely anonymous (or anonymouse as mr. squirrel might right. well, that's enough ranting from me. ciao.

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