
last weekend's ny times magazine had an article about baby names. i can't find the link, sorry. well, it was a fun and informative article, although a little bit fluffly. basically, it just talked about historical and projected trends in baby names and the reasons for certain sound patterns and why my children will have names like wall, cup, neon, chartreus, and calendar. the article is based on research by two baby name planning people and the fact that the social security administration did a project charting the most popular baby names for the last certain hundred years. yes, the best part is there is a website for you to play on, and i think everyone should. i'm glad i was born as a vanessa into a year of... (can you name the year?)
1. jennifer
2. jessica
3. amanda
4. melissa
5. sarah
6. nicole
7. heather
8. amy
9. michelle
19. elizabeth

anyhow, the site will provide hours and hours and hours of entertainment. click here.

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