
it's that time again...where i post all the amazing search terms that land people on this here blog...
(i swear that about a week ago there were some absolutely hilarious ones, but i guess they have been swept away. see the links in the search terms for their actual presence on the blog.)

1. blogger+bethany+caroline+haven (ok, they were looking for astute and profound)
2. pantyhose+pics+xlarge
3. ashton kutcher & mod
4.has anyone used maxim haircolor?
5. porn+vanessa+pimp (sorry, wrong page!)
6. pantyhose+feet+pictures
7. yellowschoolbus
8. pugs+with+fish+pictures+photos
9. flynt firetruck
10. post-its+adhesive+computer+screen+damage
11. celebrities smoking in pantyhose
12. photos+of+ugly+kids
13. dog carrier purse
15. ezra stiles yale pics

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