
i can't believe people are still reading this blog. i'll try to post more pictures, and that will make life more fun for everyone who has to read this non-sense. tomorrow i head off for islands on the other side of the united states, and some much needed vacation. although this last month has been slow business wise (sort of) life has been crazy...and i am much looking forward to a real vacation (although i am sure i will take some work along...i love the looks i get from airline folks when i'm hauling bins of tape behind me). posting will be sparse from here on out because of the vacation and because i have managed to land a real job. yes, mr. squirrel will complain because he thinks what i do now is a real job...and it is...i work all day, i make money that pays the bills...etc, but it's still a little eccentric. however, this morning i committed myself (and maybe i should have committed myself as well) to a position at anthropologie as the visual design coordinator (or something like that) for a ct store. this means i now have a commute, but also a paycheck and benefits...something that duct tape just can't cut in that regular way. but this is also my kick-ass dream job...which means that for at least the next year i will be the luckiest chick on the block holding down two dream jobs...as if life couldn't get any better...and don't you worry duct tape fans, vanessa jean will continue in all its glory thank to the new employee. life is good, and i will be getting paid to design store displays...and for anyone who has been to one of these stores, you know what kind of groovy creativeness i am in for. more to come...have a goodnight out there!

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