
i'm back, and better than ever. well, i am tanner than ever, but i don't know how much i am grooving on the relaxed-post-vacation feeling. 14 hours of traveling can do that to you. so, although we still have no internet in the house, i am back to blogging, and i will probably post volumes through this weekend. then, come monday [a great jimmy buffett song btw], i'll be at my new 'real job' from 7-4 everyday. with this new change of lifestyle, blogging is either going to become a standard daily thing, a must have i look forward to all my computer-less day, or a complete nuisance that i quit entirely. we'll see, but i doubt it will be the latter.

so, here's an update from the trip. on thursday night the fam and i enjoyed the best pan-asian-hawaiian-fusion meal we have ever had at this great little place called 'a pacific cafe'. if you are ever in kapaa, i recommend it. deee-licious. other than that we cooked for ourselves a lot, taco, burgers, etc. all great too. wednesday i took an amazing 20 mile hike on the craziest trail i have ever been on. thank goodness for the hawaiian do-as-you-wish policy, because the trail was so unsafe that i couldn't imaging it existing in any other place. but it was up there on the most-beautiful-things-ever-seen list, so i ain't complaining. there were also roosters and goats along the trail, and the best part was that in the 11 mile stretch (it's a hike into a beach, and then backtracking) the terrain ranges from tropical rainforest, to woodland forest, to dry dry desert, amazing! the trail is 11 miles in, but by mile 10 i was exhausted, and put down there for lunch. this is a photo of the destination beach (only one way in) and since i didn't make it, it just means i have to go back and hike and camp there for a bit...a girl's gotta have a dream!

i'm glad that was my parting shot!
and saturday was a 17 mile paddle along the same coastline, so it was great to see it from sea and sky level. the rest of my fam is still there...for another week, yikes. but they deserve it, especially because my little bro got sick and had a 103 fever for a few days, so he needs to stay there a bit longer so he can enjoy it. anyhow, it was a good trip. a little long from ct, but worth it! the other good thing is that i read a lot of good books, i really enjoyed happiness and wicked, the latter of which is really long, and it felt good to get through an entire long book, it had been a while! i think i also read something else along the way, but i can't remember...hmmm. but when i need a new book i can just search for something on whichbook.net which i think will be my new favorite website...i've already played on it a bit and i have my next 10 reads all picked out. too much fun, and so many options. thanks ben for passing that along.
it's nice to be back in new haven. it was a beautiful day yesterday, and i had a sun-glowing and green drive home from the airport with just enough time to get some modern and enjoy it while watching the sunset at east rock. and it was great to be re-united with my roomie since we have both been in-and-out of the house for the past three weeks...we just keep talking about how we don't want to the summer to end...as it indeed has been a grand one...but i think we'll make it.

alright, time to get down to work (aka, watch for posting in the near future!)

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