
food labels...

i thought i had figured out food labels, and actually...i have a pretty good handle on them. what i never thought about though was exactly how much work, wording and regulation goes into the labels. thank you fda for setting such specific standards as:

N7. When the caloric value for a serving of a food is less than 5 calories, can the actual caloric value be declared?

Answer: The caloric value of a product containing less than 5 calories may be expressed as zero or to the nearest 5 calorie increment (i.e., zero or 5 depending on the level). Foods with less than 5 calories meet the definition of "calorie free" and any differences are dietarily insignificant.
N8. Should a value of 47 calories be rounded up to 50 calories or rounded down to 45 calories?

Answer: Calories must be shown as follows:

* 50 calories or less--Round to nearest 5-calorie increment:
Example: Round 47 calories to "45 calories"
* Above 50 calories--Round to nearest 10-calorie increment:
Example: Round 96 calories to "100 calories"

just can't get enough: go here.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

very interesting!