
the paper clip idea...

i have this thing with paper clips, and this idea. i collect paper clips that i find on the streets and sidewalks and places where paper clips don't really belong. my long time plan was to collect them and label them with 1)where i found them and 2) display them somehow. basically, an art installation project. but with blogs and phones that can post pictures to the internet, i thought about making a paper clip blog. on my dog walk this morning i came up with the name...the paper clip project : documenting paper clips in the wild. appropriate as i am now back in school...sounds like a research project. la la la.

well, i just took a study break and thought i would google the paper clip project just to see what's out there. and i found this which seems kind of important and a big deal and i don't want my project to seem like it is putting down something so, well, serious and respectful.

so, either i need to not care so much, or think of another name. i was basically going to make a blog and invite people to post pictures of wild paper clips in their (native?) habitats. hmmmm...

any ideas? (this is where you leave comments on the blog! i know who you are!)

[back to studying]

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

i saw the paper clip documentary - very inspiring!

this morning over email i was prompted to recall that a paper clip has three curves.

i think you should do a flat stanley-type project where people take pictures of themselves with a paperclip in various parts of the world and then submit them to you for posting.