

no, this is not a serious post about hunger in the world. it's about the fact that most of my classes (excluding statistics) involve talking about food. food nutrition. food policy. how we grow food. it's great, i love it. it makes me hungry. hungry all the time with all of this thinking about and talking about food. in the guest seminar today, the guest speaker made the recommendation that we stop selling so much liquid milk in the market, that instead we should convert it to cheese. cheese was basically the old fashion method of preserving fresh milk (think: no refrigerators, cows not lactating all the time, more than you can drink). of course, with modern technology we can drink and preserve fresh milk to our hearts' content. that's a side note. anyhow, the guest speaker john carroll (from unh) suggested that producers should just make more cheese. and this was in the context of smaller scale farming and farmers' markets. so, of course, i start thinking about all the different kids of delicious artisan cheeses out there...and at 12:15pm found myself rather hungry. this also happens in nutrition class when we are even talking about food digestion. in ag class when talking about meat processors. in food policy class i even got hungry when they showed us a packet of emergency peanut-based nutrition supplement for the severely undernourished (among other things, i have a peanut butter weakness). so between all this food talk and larger quantities of biking than usual...i'm ok eating lots of delicious food. off for some smoked mozzarella (saturated fat and all).

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