
i see duct tape everywhere, and that's not just because i work with it every single day. everyone has a purpose for duct tape, and as we know, it's not used for ducts anymore. i'm going to take this time to list some great and unexpected uses for duct tape. watch out for the 'duct tape this' list in upcoming posts. i'm aiming for 100 bizarre, non-typical and minute uses for duct tape. if you spot a good one, i'd love to know, just e-mail me! here goes...

duct tape this...

1. the neighbors use it to bundle roadside pick-up bulk cardboard for recycling...although the trash-picker-uppers didn't pick it up with the trash this week, hmmm?
2. silver duct tape holds our cable cord in place, thanks goodness, cause we're clumsy and it runs straight through the kitchen.
3. black duct tape patches the small hole in the butt of my running pants. why is one little hole going to stop me.
4. on the slide at the local park. i don't know if this serves a purpose, but it makes me happy.

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